How Can Drug Rehab Facilities Help in Addiction Treatment?
Addiction has been identified as a brain disease characterised by compulsive behaviours that have negative health consequences.
According to research, drug use alters the brain, and these changes are difficult to reverse. Drugs can have an immediate impact on mood, memory, perception, and emotional states by causing structural and chemical changes in the brain. Long-term behavioural changes that distort cognitive and emotional functions are most likely caused by changes in the brain.
Addiction begins with the voluntary use of drugs, and addicts must accept some responsibility for their recovery from drug abuse. The fact that the addict has a brain disease does not absolve him or her of responsibility for his or her behaviour, but it does explain why the condition is difficult to reverse.
Clinical studies support the notion that addicts can experience a variety of physical and mental states, and it appears that addiction treatment may necessitate a modified approach to improve efficacy.
Drug rehab center’s can focus on managing the dramatic withdrawal symptoms of drug and alcohol addiction with appropriate medications, but it appears that these brain diseases are not solely biological in nature. Addiction is distinct from other brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and clinical depression in that it begins voluntarily, and not everyone who uses drugs becomes addicted.
Individuals differ greatly in terms of how easily they become addicted and their preferences for specific substances. Individual differences in addiction are caused by a combination of environmental, biological, and, in particular, genetic factors, which is consistent with the biobehavioral nature of addiction.
Scientists have discovered genes that may be responsible for addiction, and it is estimated that genetics may play a significant role in the susceptibility to becoming an addict.
Addiction genes are biological differences or gene mutations that can make a person more or less susceptible to addiction. People with these gene mutations may find it more difficult to quit once they begin. Alternatively, severe withdrawal symptoms that can only be alleviated by increasing drug intake may develop. Factors that make it more difficult to become addicted may also be genetic, as many people appear to react differently to the same drug.
Addiction treatment center’s may need to develop specific programmes for individuals that recognise the multiple components of the condition in order to provide effective addiction treatment.
The problem appears to be more complicated, as social and environmental factors appear to contribute to the risk of addiction, and multiple genes may be involved. Many factors influence the likelihood that someone will become an addict, and genetic predisposition does not guarantee that someone will become an addict because the environment plays a large role in addiction risk.
Genes and environmental factors can either complement or cancel each other out. The gene mutations can vary, and not everyone who carries the genes will exhibit addictive characteristics.
Several gene mutations have been discovered, including those in AGS3 and PKNOX2.
Understanding addiction as a brain disease has far-reaching implications for addiction treatment. The critical question is whether specific drugs developed to treat addictions can also be addictive. The most well-known example is the proper use of morphine as a pain reliever.
Drug rehab centres must understand that drug addicts are people whose brains have been altered by drug use, and that drug addiction treatment is required.
The discovery of addiction susceptibility genes has made it much easier to develop better treatments for addiction. Each new addiction gene discovered is a potential “drug target.” The emphasis can now be shifted to studying how the gene functions, and highly specific modifications to these specific genes can now be made. This allows the chemical and physical brain functions to be restored, as well as the addiction condition to be reversed.
Drug rehab programmes may necessitate a comprehensive treatment plan that includes medical treatment as well as behavioural changes.
Addiction has been identified as a brain disease with significant genetic influences.
As research advances, drugs may be used to treat addiction. In addition to behavioural changes, drug rehab center’s may soon prescribe medication as a form of addiction treatment.
True Humaniversity Foundation is one of the top Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai and a Drug Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai that offers a full range of safe and comprehensive addiction services. We recreate the modes of secured therapies and help people in need by discovering the folds of sobriety bonded with various combinations of proven and secured treatment processes.
Believing in the faith and process of recovery, we believe there’s a better day in the future for our clients. Helping and guiding them at every step with best suited and functioning treatment processes, we have faith and trust in our empathetic, resilient and compassionate staff members, making our team one big positive and radiating family, hoping and praying only for the best.
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